The George Cowburn "Esprit de Corps" Award
Chosen by the the NYS Federation of Contest Judges. The award goes to the Guard that, in the judges' opinion best exemplifies the characteristics of the late George Cowburn. Dedication to the activity, willingness to assist other members of the circuit, good sportsmanship, integrity & honor. This award, named in his honor, is one of the most prestigious honors a guard in Upstate New York can ever hope to receive!

2024: Corning Painted Post
2023: Lancaster High School
2022: Marcus Whitman
2019: Geneseo Sapphire
2018: Ventures IA
2017: Batavia A1
2016: Lancaster Independent
2015: Patriots
2014: Patriots
2013: Luminosa
2012: Victor Varisty
2011: Naples
2010: Victor Lil Devils
2009: Mighty Liberators RA
2008: Victor HS
2007: Bloomfield RA
2006: Rainbow Guard